David and Jacqui ( Magwai Birman and Templecats) announce the birth of 5 kittens to Magwai Mahi wha Tahi and Amoenta Bouser. and also two kittens to Magwai Moana and Feanor Urdin. KITTENS available in 2 months: 1 sealpoint male templecat 2 Bluepoint male templecats 1 lilacpoint male templecat 1 Lilacpoint? female templecat KITTENS AVAILABLE NOW: 1 bluepoint male Templecat 1 sealpoint male Templecat 1 Blue tabbypoint male birman 1 Bluepoint female birman RETIRED CATS We occasionally have older ex breeding cats available. They are of course , speyed/neutered. They make wonderful companions. Available now: One sealtabbypoint female 3 years old. ex breeding girl. Delightful nature, big healthy girl. Very energetic, lots of love to give. Available in 2 months: 13 month old cinnamonpoint neuter. Has never been used as a stud. Delightful nature, a big cuddly boy. Please contact me for the price of the above cats. |